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CI Scientific Pty Ltd is a NATA Certified Facility that can provide accredited testing of the following: (You can view the NATA Scope of accreditation HERE

National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia


CI Scientific Pty Ltd
| Accreditation Number: 411 | Site Number: 404 |
Address Details:
Unit 1, 9 Bearing Road
Contact Details:
Mr Jurgen Cyrulla
+61(02) 98384488
Availability:Services available to external clients

Note: Not all of the columns of the scope of accreditation displayed include data.
The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.
Grey text appearing in a SoA is additional freetext providing further refinement or information on the data in the preceding line entry.

ISO/IEC 17025 (2017)
Dimensional metrology - Engineering equipment and precision instruments Centrifuges Rotational speed Comparison with a reference standard by differential measurement In-house method CY 20821
With Calibration and measurement capability of -
0.05% of full scale or 3 rpm (whichever is greater)  from 500 rpm to 99,900 rpm
Mass - Determination of mass and calibration of weighing devices Mass standards Mass Gravimetric measurement against reference mass
With Calibration and measurement capability of-
2 in 10⁶ or 20 μg (whichever is greater) in the range 1 mg to 30 kg
Mass - Determination of mass and calibration of weighing devices Laboratory weighing devices; Precision laboratory balances; Mass Gravimetric measurement against reference mass
including on site calibrations
Including on site calibrations
With Calibration and measurement capability of-
2 in 10⁶ or 20 μg (whichever is greater) up to 30 kg
Mass - Determination of mass and calibration of weighing devices Industrial weighing devices Mass Gravimetric measurement against reference mass
including on site calibrations
Including on site calibrations
With Calibration and measurement capability of-
1 in 10�μ or 1 mg (whichever is greater) up to 30 kg
Temperature metrology - Ancillary temperature measuring equipment Multi-channel thermocouple data recorders; Process calibrators; Volt to temperature conversion Direct measurement by electrical input
With Calibration and measurement capability of-
0.2 °C from -100 °C to 500 °C
0.3 °C from 500 °C to 1100 °C
Temperature metrology - Temperature measuring equipment Digital temperature measuring systems Temperature Measurement against reference standard
With Calibration and measurement capability of-
0.4 °C from -80 °C to 250 °C
0.6 °C from 250 °C to 500 °C
2.5 °C from 500 °C to 1100 °C
Temperature metrology - Verification of controlled enclosures Autoclaves and sterilising ovens; Baths; Freezers; Furnaces; Incubators; Ovens; Gradient; Spatial uniformity; Direct temperature measurement AS 2853
With Calibration and measurement capability of -
0.9 °C in the range from 0 °C to 250 °C for Ovens and Furnaces
2.6 °C in the range from 250 °C to 1100 °C for Ovens and Furnaces
0.9 °C in the range from -40 °C to 100 °C for Incubators
0.8 °C in the range from 100 °C to 130 °C for Autoclaves and sterilising ovens
1 °C in the range from 131 °C to 160 °C for Autoclaves and sterilising ovens
1 °C in the range from -80 °C to -16 °C for Industrial freezers
0.9 °C in the range from -15 °C to ambient for Industrial freezers
0.8 °C in the range from 0 °C to 130 °C for Baths
Torque - Torque measuring and testing equipment Torque wrenches Torque Comparison with a reference standard ISO 6789.2 and in house method 5.23
With Calibration and Measurement Capability of -
1.2% from 1.25 Nm to 1500 Nm
Volume and density - Determination of density Alcohol meters; Apparent density (draft survey) hydrometers; Bark hydrometer; Baume hydrometer; Brix hydrometers; Density hydrometers; Soil (colloidal solution) hydrometers; Specific gravity hydrometers; Baume; Brix; g/L; Percentage (%) alcohol by volume; Specific gravity; Gravimetric method
With Calibration and measurement capability of -
1/3 of the smallest scale division in the range 0 to 2.0 g/ml for Density Hydrometers;
1/3 of the smallest scale division in the range 0.990 to 1.040 kg/L for Apparent Density Hydrometers;
1/3 of the smallest scale division in the range -5 to +60 g/l for Soil Hydrometers;
1/3 of the smallest scale division in the range 0 to 90° Bx for Brix Hydrometers;
1/3 of the smallest scale division in the range 0 to 80° Bk for Bark Hydrometers;
1/3 of the smallest scale division in the range 0 to 90° Be for Baume Hydrometers;
1/3 of the smallest scale division in the range 0.6 to 2.0 for Specific Gravity Hydrometers;
1/3 of the smallest scale division in the range 0 to 100% for Alcohol Hydrometers


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